Employers and students talking at a Career Fair.


Bring Montclair State Talent to Your Organization

If you are looking for outstanding employees, we invite you to join the thousands of employers who have successfully recruited students and alumni from Montclair State University. Career Services’ team of career professionals connects you with talented, motivated candidates who are ready to get to work and make a positive impact on your organization.

Let Us Help you!

Our comprehensive menu of services gives you the on-campus visibility you need to connect with the right candidates to fill your full-time, part-time and co-op/internship positions. We invite you and your organization to participate in our recruitment programs.

In addition to recruiting on campus, you can post jobs and internships with us throughout the year. These postings reach all undergraduate and graduate students as well as alumni.

Get Started:

Connect with Career Services

Each college/school has a designated Career Services Office. Click on the bars below to view or collapse your Career Services contact information.